1、Key-Value Coding (KVC)
KVC,即是指 NSKeyValueCoding,一个非正式的 PRotocol,提供一种机制来间接访问对象的属性。KVO 就是基于 KVC 实现的关键技术之一。
一个对象拥有某些属性。比如说,一个 Person 对象有一个 name 和一个 address 属性。以 KVC 说法,Person 对象分别有一个 value 对应他的 name 和 address 的 key。 key 只是一个字符串,它对应的值可以是任意类型的对象。从最基础的层次上看,KVC 有两个方法:一个是设置 key 的值,另一个是获取 key 的值。如下面的例子:
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void changeName(Person *p, NSString *newName)
// using the KVC accessor (getter) method
NSString *originalName = [p valueForKey:@ "name" ];
// using the KVC accessor (setter) method.
[p setValue:newName forKey:@ "name" ];
NSLog(@ "Changed %@'s name to: %@" , originalName, newName);
现在,如果 Person 有另外一个 key 配偶(spouse),spouse 的 key 值是另一个 Person 对象,用 KVC 可以这样写:
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void logMarriage(Person *p)
// just using the accessor again, same as example above
NSString *personsName = [p valueForKey:@ "name" ];
// this line is different, because it is using
// a "key path" instead of a normal "key"
NSString *spousesName = [p valueForKeyPath:@ "spouse.name" ];
NSLog(@ "%@ is happily married to %@" , personsName, spousesName);
key 与 key pat 要区分开来,key 可以从一个对象中获取值,而 key path 可以将多个 key 用点号 “.” 分割连接起来,比如:
[p valueForKeyPath:@ "spouse.name" ];
[[p valueForKey:@ "spouse" ] valueForKey:@ "name" ];
好了,以上是 KVC 的基本知识,接着看看 KVO。
Key-Value Observing (KVO) 建立在 KVC 之上,它能够观察一个对象的 KVC key path 值的变化。举个例子,用代码观察一个 person 对象的 address 变化,以下是实现的三个方法:
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@implementation PersonWatcher
-( void ) watchPersonForChangeOfAddress:(Person *)p
// this begins the observing
[p addObserver:self
forKeyPath:@ "address"
// keep a record of all the people being observed,
// because we need to stop observing them in dealloc
[m_observedPeople addObject:p];
// whenever an observed key path changes, this method will be called
- ( void )observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath
change:(NSDictionary *)change
context:( void *)context
// use the context to make sure this is a change in the address,
// because we may also be observing other things
NSString *name = [object valueForKey:@ "name" ];
NSString *address = [object valueForKey:@ "address" ];
NSLog(@ "%@ has a new address: %@" , name, address);
-( void ) dealloc;
// must stop observing everything before this object is
// deallocated, otherwise it will cause crashes
for (Person *p in m_observedPeople){
[p removeObserver:self forKeyPath:@ "address" ];
[m_observedPeople release];
m_observedPeople = nil;
[super dealloc];
-(id) init;
if (self = [super init]){
m_observedPeople = [NSMutableArray new ];
return self;
这就是 KVO 的作用,它通过 key path 观察对象的值,当值发生变化的时候会收到通知。