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作者:佚名      IOS开发编辑:admin      更新时间:2022-07-23
Introduction RadioStreamis full native application for ipad and iPhone. This application streaminternet radio music.
Packagecontains two PRojects: one for iPad and one for iPhone, so you can release HDversion for iPad and regular version for iPhone. iPhone version also includesRetina support (4G & 4S high resolution graphics).
Easy to setup: just fill property list (xml) file with links of sreaming radio sites.
Radio streamfeatures: -      easy toconfigure (no need to know programming in XCode) -      group yourstations in categories (rock, pop, electronic, hip-hop...) -      prepulatedXML with 40 radio streams divided in categories -      30 custommade station images -      easy to addyour own images for each station -      applicationautomaticaly remebers recent played stations -      option toadd station to favorites -      play andpause music -      settings:clear favorites and recents -      applicationdisplay HUD when buffering -      graphicsare made separate for each project to support different iPad and iPhoneresolutions -      iPhone 4G& 4S Retina support -      and muchmore...   源码下载:http://code.662p.com/view/4426.html <ignore_js_op> <ignore_js_op> <ignore_js_op><ignore_js_op> <ignore_js_op>  <ignore_js_op> 
