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Unity natively imports Maya files. To get started, simply place your .mb or .ma file in your PRoject's Assets folder. When you switch back into Unity, the scene is imported automatically and will show up in the Project view.
Unity支持导入maya的文件,开始的时候,简单地把你的 .mb 或者 .ma 文件放到文件夹的Assets里面。当重新打开到unity的时候,文件在场景里面会自动的展现出来。
To see your model in Unity, simply drag it from the Project View into the Scene View or Hierarchy View.
All nodes with position, rotation and scale. Pivot points and Names are also imported.
unity目前导入到maya: 位置上的全部节点,旋转和缩放。枢轴点和名字都会导入。
Meshes with vertex colors, normals and up to 2 UV sets. 网格模型包含顶点颜色,法线和设置2UV组
Materials with Texture and diffuse color. Multiple materials per mesh. 纹理和漫射材料,每一个网格的多材料
Animations FK & IK Bone-based animations Blend Shapes 动物 FK & IK 基于骨骼的动画,共混物的形状
If you are using IK to animate characters you have to select the imported .mb file in Project View and choose Bake IK & Simulation in the Import Settings dialog in the Inspector. 如果要用ik到动画人物中,你需要选择导入 .mb文件 到project窗口和选择烤ik & 在检查员在导入设置对话框模拟。
Ensure you have the Blendshape applied to the export mesh with it's targets in order Optionally animate keyframes on the blendshape node, if you require Maya animation keyframes Check animation > Deformations, Skins if required and Morphs in the FBX export dialogue
In order to import Maya .mb and .ma files, you need to have Maya installed on the machine you are using Unity to import the .mb/.ma file. Maya 8.0 and up is supported.
确保你的形状融合应用于出口网格与它的目标可选的动画关键帧的形状融合的节点,如果你需要MAYA动画关键帧 检查皮肤变形动画>,如果需要和变种的FBX导出对话 要求要导入Maya .mb和 .ma 文件,您需要安装您所使用的MAYA统一进口机器.mb /.ma 文件。玛雅8.0和支持。
If you don't have Maya installed on your machine but want to import a Maya file from another machine, you can export to fbx format, which Unity imports natively. Please Install the Latest Version of FBX for best results. To for general export guidelines see HOWTO_exportFBX.
Once exported Place the fbx file in the Unity project folder. Unity will now automatically import the fbx file. Check the FBX import setting in the inspector as mentioned in HOWTO_exportFBX
fbx文件输出的地方在unity project 文件夹里。unity将自动的导入fbx文件。在检查中导入fbx设置在HOWTO_exportFBX
When Unity imports a Maya file it will launch Maya in the background. Unity then communicates with Maya to convert the .mb file into a format Unity can read. The first time you import a Maya file in Unity, Maya has to launch in a command line process, this can take around 20 seconds, but subsequent imports will be very quick.
用后台启动maya导入unity. unity 将通信转转化unity可以读取的的 .mb 文件。你第一次导入maya文件,maya在一个命令行中启动。这可能需要20秒左右的时间,但随后的导入将很快。
Keep your scene simple, try and work with a file which only contains the objects you need in Unity 打开简单的场景,试着去创建以讹过文件,在unity中选择你需要的对象
If your meshes cause problems, make sure you have converted any patches, nurbs surface etc into Polygons (Modify > Convert + also Mesh > Quadragulate/Triangulate) Unity only support Polygons. 如果你的网格引起问题,确保你把任何补丁,NURBS曲面等成多边形(修改>转换+网> quadragulate /三角)统一只支持多边形。
Maya in some rare cases messes up the node history, which sometimes results in models not exporting correctly. Fortunately you can very easily fix this by selecting Edit->Delete by Type->Non-Deformer History. maya在某些罕见的情况下,打乱了节点的历史,这有时会导致不正确的模型输出。幸运的是,你可以很容易地解决这个问题通过选择编辑>按类型删除>非历史记录
Unity likes to keep up with the latest FBX where possible so if you have any issues with importing some models, check for the latest FBX exporters from Autodesk website or revert to FBX 2012
要在尽可能最新的FBX如果你有任何问题,引进一些模型,检查最新的FBX出口商从Autodesk FBX网站或恢复到2012
Animation baking in Maya is now done with FBX instead of natively, which allows for more complex animations to be baked properly to FBX format. If you are using driven keys, then make sure to set at least one key on your drivers for the animation to bake properly Page last updated: 2013-11-13