使用过justhost的朋友大多数都认为主机速度和稳定性都不错,不过也有少数人反映速度不快,或者不太稳定,万一你就是那批少数人的话,其实你可以联系justhost客服 帮你更换到其他主机,一般更换后速度都不错的。 下面是主机搜客以前更换justhost主机时和客服的一些对话,希望对大家有帮助!
首先你要给 [email protected]发邮件,内容可以写 ” Hello , my hosting is very slowly and always downline, coule you move my hosting to another severver? , My name is xxxx, my primary domain is xxxx.com(够买主机时注册的或者转移的域名),Thanks
然后客服大概一个小时就会回复你,这时有的客服会给你推荐fast server(这个需要另外付费的)这个就不需要了。只要帮你更换主机就可以了,这时你可以回复客服书, ” No, thanks , Could you move my hosting to another regular server ? Thanks
再过一会,客服会恢复你 “Yes, we can do it for you for free. Please confirm it.” (是的,我可以帮你转移,请确认), 你再恢复客服说 : “Yes, please move it for me ,thanks”
继续等待一个小时左右, 客服会回复你说” I have just moved your account to xxxx. Please allow 4 hours for DNS prorogation.” (我已经帮你转移到XXX服务器了,DNS生效大概要1-4小时”
转载请注明文章出处:主机搜客 http://www.hostsoso.com/justhost-change-server.html