·您现在的位置: 云翼网络 >> 文章中心 >> 网站建设 >> 网站建设开发 >> ASP.NET网站开发 >> 我的网络兼职MVC项目开发-数据绑定
1 public ActionResult Index() 2 { 3 ViewBag.userinfo = ""; 4 var user = session["user"] as UserInfo; 5 ViewBag.userinfo = user; 6 //Banner 7 IndexModel.Bannerlist = _bll.GetModelTopList<BannerInfo>("6", "Ichecksign=1 and BannerType=1", "BannerInfo", "Id desc"); 8 //新闻推荐 9 IndexModel.NewsTui1 = _bll.GetModelTopList<BriefNewsInfo>("6", " IsDelete=1 and IsHotSpot=1 and CheckState=1", "NewsInfo", "Time desc"); 10 //新闻 11 IndexModel.NewsInfo1 = WebInfoManager.GetNewsInfo(2); 12 IndexModel.NewsInfo2 = WebInfoManager.GetNewsInfo(3); 13 IndexModel.NewsInfo3 = WebInfoManager.GetNewsInfo(4); 14 IndexModel.NewsInfo4 = WebInfoManager.GetNewsInfo(12); 15 16 IndexModel.NewsTui2 = _bll.GetModelTopList<BriefNewsInfo>("6", " IsDelete=1 and IsHotSpot=1", "TechInfo", "Time desc"); 17 IndexModel.NewsTui3 = _bll.GetModelTopList<BriefNewsInfo>("6", " IsDelete=1 and IsHotSpot=1", "FinanceInfo", "Time desc"); 18 IndexModel.NewsTui4 = _bll.GetModelTopList<BriefNewsInfo>("6", " IsDelete=1 and IsHotSpot=1", "FashionInfo", "Time desc"); 19 IndexModel.NewsTui5 = _bll.GetModelTopList<BriefNewsInfo>("6", " IsDelete=1 and IsHotSpot=1", "EntertainmentInfo", "Time desc"); 20 21 //科技 22 IndexModel.TechInfo = _bll.GetModelTopList<BriefNewsInfo>("3", "IsDelete=1 and IsHotSpot=1 and Id not in (select top(6) Id from TechInfo where IsDelete=1 and IsHotSpot=1 order by Time desc) ", "TechInfo", "Id desc"); 23 IndexModel.TechInfo1 = _bll.GetModelTopList<BriefNewsInfo>("12", "IsDelete=1 and IsHotSpot=2", "TechInfo", "Id desc"); 24 25 //财经 26 IndexModel.FinanceInfo = _bll.GetModelTopList<BriefNewsInfo>("3", "IsDelete=1 and IsHotSpot=1 and Id not in (select top(6) Id from FinanceInfo where IsDelete=1 and IsHotSpot=1 order by Time desc)", "FinanceInfo", "Id desc"); 27 IndexModel.FinanceInfo1 = _bll.GetModelTopList<BriefNewsInfo>("12", "IsDelete=1 and IsHotSpot=2", "FinanceInfo", "Id desc"); ; 28 29 //教育 30 IndexModel.EducationInfo = _bll.GetModelTopList<BriefNewsInfo>("3", "IsDelete=1 and IsHotSpot=1", "EducationInfo", "Id desc"); ; 31 IndexModel.EducationInfo1 = _bll.GetModelTopList<BriefNewsInfo>("12", "IsDelete=1 and IsHotSpot=2", "EducationInfo", "Id desc"); 32 33 //历史 34 IndexModel.HistoryInfo = _bll.GetModelTopList<BriefNewsInfo>("3", "IsDelete=1 and IsHotSpot=1", "HistoryInfo", "Id desc"); 35 IndexModel.HistoryInfo1 = _bll.GetModelTopList<BriefNewsInfo>("12", "IsDelete=1 and IsHotSpot=2", "HistoryInfo", "Id desc"); 36 37 //革西传媒 38 IndexModel.GexiInfoList = _bll.GetModelTopList<BriefNewsInfo>("12", "IsDelete=1", "GexiInfo", "Id desc"); 39 40 //自媒体 41 IndexModel.GexiInfo = _bll.GetModelTopList<BriefNewsInfo>("6", "IsDelete=1 and IsHotSpot=1", "GexiInfo", "Id desc"); 42 43 //时尚 娱乐 故事 44 IndexModel.EntertainmentInfo = _bll.GetModelTopList<BriefNewsInfo>("8", "IsDelete=1 and IsHotSpot=2", "EntertainmentInfo", "Id desc"); 45 IndexModel.FashionInfo = _bll.GetModelTopList<BriefNewsInfo>("8", "IsDelete=1 and IsHotSpot=2", "FashionInfo", "Id desc"); 46 IndexModel.SoulInfo = _bll.GetModelTopList<BriefNewsInfo>("8", "IsDelete=1 and IsHotSpot=1", "SoulInfo", "Id desc"); 47 //汽车 房产 48 IndexModel.CarInfo = _bll.GetModelTopList<BriefNewsInfo>("2", "IsDelete=1 and IsHotSpot=1", "CarInfo", "Id desc"); 49 IndexModel.CarInfo1 = _bll.GetModelTopList<BriefNewsInfo>("8", "IsDelete=1 and IsHotSpot=2", "CarInfo", "Id desc"); 50 IndexModel.HouseInfo = _bll.GetModelTopList<BriefNewsInfo>("2", "IsDelete=1 and IsHotSpot=1", "HouseInfo", "Id desc"); 51 IndexModel.HouseInfo1 = _bll.GetModelTopList<BriefNewsInfo>("8", "IsDelete=1 and IsHotSpot=2", "HouseInfo", "Id desc"); 52 53 //友链 54 List<CoOperationInfo> cooperationInfo2 = _bll.GetModelTopList<CooperationInfo>("20", "TypeId=2 and Ichecksign=1", "Cooperation", "Id"); 55 IndexModel.CooperationInfo2 = cooperationInfo2; 56 return View(); 57 }代码绑定 控制器部分
1 public static class IndexModel 2 { 3 public static List<BannerInfo> Bannerlist { get; set; } 4 public static List<BriefNewsInfo> GexiInfo { get; set; } 5 public static List<BriefNewsInfo> GexiInfoList { get; set; } 6 public static List<BriefNewsInfo> NewsTui1 { get; set; } 7 public static List<BriefNewsInfo> NewsTui2 { get; set; } 8 public static List<BriefNewsInfo> NewsTui3 { get; set; } 9 public static List<BriefNewsInfo> NewsTui4 { get; set; } 10 public static List<BriefNewsInfo> NewsTui5 { get; set; } 11 12 13 public static List<BriefNewsInfo> NewsInfo1 { get; set; } 14 public static List<BriefNewsInfo> NewsInfo2 { get; set; } 15 public static List<BriefNewsInfo> NewsInfo3 { get; set; } 16 public static List<BriefNewsInfo> NewsInfo4 { get; set; } 17 18 19 public static List<BriefNewsInfo> TechInfo { get; set; } 20 public static List<BriefNewsInfo> TechInfo1 { get; set; } 21 22 public static List<BriefNewsInfo> FinanceInfo { get; set; } 23 public static List<BriefNewsInfo> FinanceInfo1 { get; set; } 24 25 public static List<BriefNewsInfo> EducationInfo { get; set; } 26 public static List<BriefNewsInfo> EducationInfo1 { get; set; } 27 28 public static List<BriefNewsInfo> HistoryInfo { get; set; } 29 public static List<BriefNewsInfo> HistoryInfo1 { get; set; } 30 31 32 33 public static List<BriefNewsInfo> EntertainmentInfo { get; set; } 34 public static List<BriefNewsInfo> FashionInfo { get; set; } 35 public static List<BriefNewsInfo> SoulInfo { get; set; } 36 public static List<BriefNewsInfo> CarInfo { get; set; } 37 public static List<BriefNewsInfo> CarInfo1 { get; set; } 38 public static List<BriefNewsInfo> HouseInfo { get; set; } 39 public static List<BriefNewsInfo> HouseInfo1 { get; set; } 40 41 public static List<CooperationInfo> CooperationInfo2 { get; set; } 42 43 }View Code
1 public class WebInfoManager 2 { 3 public static string GetNewsTypeByID(int oid) 4 { 5 string str = "/"; 6 if (oid != 0) 7 { 8 foreach (var item in DictionaryHelper.NewsType) 9 { 10 if (oid == item.Key) 11 { 12 str = item.Value; 13 } 14 } 15 } 16 return str; 17 } 18 19 public static string GetTechTypeByID(int oid) 20 { 21 string str = "/"; 22 if (oid != 0) 23 { 24 foreach (var item in DictionaryHelper.TechType) 25 { 26 if (oid == item.Key) 27 { 28 str = item.Value; 29 } 30 } 31 } 32 return str; 33 } 34 public static string GetFinanceTypeByID(int oid) 35 { 36 string str = "/"; 37 if (oid != 0) 38 { 39 foreach (var item in DictionaryHelper.FinanceType) 40 { 41 if (oid == item.Key) 42 { 43 str = item.Value; 44 } 45 } 46 } 47 return str; 48 } 49 public static string GetEducationTypeByID(int oid) 50 { 51 BLL webinfoM = new BLL(); 52 string str = "/"; 53 if (oid != 0) 54 { 55 foreach (var item in DictionaryHelper.EduType) 56 { 57 if (oid == item.Key) 58 { 59 str = item.Value; 60 } 61 } 62 } 63 return str; 64 } 65 public static string GetHistoryInfoTypeByID(int oid) 66 { 67 BLL webinfoM = new BLL(); 68 string str = "/"; 69 if (oid != 0) 70 { 71 foreach (var item in DictionaryHelper.HisType) 72 { 73 if (oid == item.Key) 74 { 75 str = item.Value; 76 } 77 } 78 } 79 return str; 80 } 81 public static string GettravelTypeByID(int oid) 82 { 83 BLL webinfoM = new BLL(); 84 string str = "/"; 85 if (oid != 0) 86 { 87 foreach (var item in DictionaryHelper.TravelType) 88 { 89 if (oid == item.Key) 90 { 91 str = item.Value; 92 } 93 } 94 } 95 return str; 96 } 97 public static string GetCarTypeByID(int oid) 98 { 99 BLL webinfoM = new BLL(); 100 string str = "/"; 101 if (oid != 0) 102 { 103 foreach (var item in DictionaryHelper.CarType) 104 { 105 if (oid == item.Key) 106 { 107 str = item.Value; 108 } 109 } 110 } 111 return str; 112 } 113 public static string GetHouseTypeByID(int oid) 114 { 115 BLL webinfoM = new BLL(); 116 string str = "/"; 117 if (oid != 0) 118 { 119 foreach (var item in DictionaryHelper.HouseType) 120 { 121 if (oid == item.Key) 122 { 123 str = item.Value; 124 } 125 } 126 } 127 return str; 128 } 129 public static string GetSoulTypeByID(int oid) 130 { 131 BLL webinfoM = new BLL(); 132 string str = "/"; 133 if (oid != 0) 134 { 135 foreach (var item in DictionaryHelper.SoulType) 136 { 137 if (oid == item.Key) 138 { 139 str = item.Value; 140 } 141 } 142 } 143 return str; 144 } 145 146 public static string GetFashionTypeByID(int oid) 147 { 148 BLL webinfoM = new BLL(); 149 string str = "/"; 150 if (oid != 0) 151 { 152 foreach (var item in DictionaryHelper.FashionType) 153 { 154 if (oid == item.Key) 155 { 156 str = item.Value; 157 } 158 } 159 } 160 return str; 161 } 162 public static string GetEntertainmentTypeByID(int oid) 163 { 164 BLL webinfoM = new BLL(); 165 string str = "/"; 166 if (oid != 0) 167 { 168 foreach (var item in DictionaryHelper.EntertainmentType) 169 { 170 if (oid == item.Key) 171 { 172 str = item.Value; 173 } 174 } 175 } 176 return str; 177 } 178 public static string GetNoticeTypeByID(int oid) 179 { 180 BLL webinfoM = new BLL(); 181 string str = "/"; 182 if (oid != 0) 183 { 184 foreach (var item in DictionaryHelper.NoticeType) 185 { 186 if (oid == item.Key) 187 { 188 str = item.Value; 189 } 190 } 191 } 192 return str; 193 } 194 public static string GetCooperationTypeByID(int oid) 195 { 196 BLL webinfoM = new BLL(); 197 string str = "/"; 198 if (oid != 0) 199 { 200 foreach (var item in DictionaryHelper.CooperationType) 201 { 202 if (oid == item.Key) 203 { 204 str = item.Value; 205 } 206 } 207 } 208 return str; 209 } 210 public static string GetLieByID(object OID) 211 { 212 if (OID != null) 213 { 214 if (Convert.ToInt32(OID) == 1) 215 { 216 return "专题"; 217 } 218 else 219 { 220 return "模版"; 221 } 222 } 223 else 224 { 225 return "/"; 226 } 227 } 228 229 public static string GetSpecialType(object OID) 230 { 231 string retstring = "/"; 232 BLL bll = new BLL(); 233 List<ImgSpecial> imglist = bll.GetModelList<ImgSpecial>("IsDelete=1", "ImgSpecial"); 234 foreach (var item in imglist) 235 { 236 if (item.Id == Convert.ToInt32(OID)) 237 { 238 retstring = item.Title; 239 } 240 } 241 return retstring; 242 } 243 244 public static List<BriefNewsInfo> GetNewsInfo(int NewsTypeId) 245 { 246 BLL bll = new BLL(); 247 List<BriefNewsInfo> NewsInfo = bll.GetModelTopList<BriefNewsInfo>("6", "NewsTypeId=" + NewsTypeId + " and IsDelete=1 and IsHotSpot!=1 and CheckState=1", "NewsInfo", "Id desc"); 248 return NewsInfo; 249 } 250 251 public static string GetUserNameById(int id) 252 { 253 BLL bll = new BLL(); 254 string retinfo = "/"; 255 UserInfo userinfo = bll.GetModle<UserInfo>("UserInfo", "Id=" + id + ""); 256 if (userinfo != null) 257 { 258 retinfo = userinfo.UserNickname; 259 } 260 if (id == 0) 261 { 262 retinfo = "革西网友"; 263 } 264 return retinfo; 265 } 266 public static string GetUserImgById(int id) 267 { 268 BLL bll = new BLL(); 269 string retinfo = "/"; 270 UserInfo userinfo = bll.GetModle<UserInfo>("UserInfo", "Id=" + id + ""); 271 if (userinfo != null) 272 { 273 retinfo = "/content/Files/" + userinfo.UserImg; 274 } 275 if (id == 0) 276 { 277 retinfo = "/content/img/nologin.jpg"; 278 } 279 return retinfo; 280 } 281 282 public static string GetConfig(string key) 283 { 284 return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[key]; 285 286 } 287 288 public static string GexinetUrl 289 { 290 get 291 { 292 return GetConfig("GexinetUrl"); 293 } 294 } 295 public static string GetCheckStateByID(object id) 296 { 297 string retstring = "未知"; 298 if (id != null) 299 { 300 var idint = Convert.ToInt32(id); 301 if (idint == 0) 302 { 303 retstring = "未审核"; 304 } 305 if (idint == 1) 306 { 307 retstring = "通过"; 308 } 309 if (idint == 2) 310 { 311 retstring = "拒绝"; 312 } 313 } 314 return retstring; 315 } 316 /// <summary> 317 /// 根据邮箱 得到邮箱服务器 318 /// </summary> 319 public static string gotoEmail(string email) 320 { 321 string endstr = email.Split('@')[1]; 322 endstr = endstr.ToLower(); 323 string retstr = "/"; 324 if (endstr == "163.com") 325 { 326 retstr = "http://mail.163.com"; 327 } 328 else if (endstr == "vip.163.com") 329 { 330 retstr = "http://vip.163.com"; 331 } 332 else if (endstr == "126.com") 333 { 334 retstr = "http://mail.126.com"; 335 } 336 else if (endstr == "QQ.com" || endstr == "vip.qq.com" || endstr == "Foxmail.com") 337 { 338 retstr = "http://mail.qq.com"; 339 } 340 else if (endstr == "Gmail.com") 341 { 342 retstr = "http://mail.google.com"; 343 } 344 else if (endstr == "sohu.com") 345 { 346 retstr = "http://mail.sohu.com"; 347 } 348 else if (endstr == "tom.com") 349 { 350 retstr = "http://mail.tom.com"; 351 } 352 else if (endstr == "vip.sina.com") 353 { 354 retstr = "http://vip.sina.com"; 355 } 356 else if (endstr == "sina.com.cn" || endstr == "sina.com") 357 { 358 retstr = "http://mail.sina.com.cn"; 359 } 360 else if (endstr == "tom.com") 361 { 362 retstr = "http://mail.tom.com"; 363 } 364 else if (endstr == "yahoo.com.cn" || endstr == "yahoo.cn") 365 { 366 retstr = "http://mail.cn.yahoo.com"; 367 } 368 else if (endstr == "tom.com") 369 { 370 retstr = "http://mail.tom.com"; 371 } 372 else if (endstr == "yeah.net") 373 { 374 retstr = "http://www.yeah.net"; 375 } 376 else if (endstr == "21cn.com") 377 { 378 retstr = "http://mail.21cn.com"; 379 } 380 else if (endstr == "hotmail.com") 381 { 382 retstr = "http://www.hotmail.com"; 383 } 384 else if (endstr == "sogou.com") 385 { 386 retstr = "http://mail.sogou.com"; 387 } 388 else if (endstr == "188.com") 389 { 390 retstr = "http://www.188.com"; 391 } 392 else if (endstr == "139.com") 393 { 394 retstr = "http://mail.10086.cn"; 395 } 396 else if (endstr == "189.cn") 397 { 398 retstr = "http://webmail15.189.cn/webmail"; 399 } 400 else if (endstr == "wo.com.cn") 401 { 402 retstr = "http://mail.wo.com.cn/smsmail"; 403 } 404 else if (endstr == "139.com") 405 { 406 retstr = "http://mail.10086.cn"; 407 } 408 else 409 { 410 retstr = ""; 411 } 412 return retstr; 413 } 414 415 416 }View Code
1 @using GexiApp.Models 2 @using GexiCommon 3 @{ 4 Layout = null; 5 //幻灯片 //光荣榜 6 List<GexiModels.BannerInfo> bannerlist = IndexModel.Bannerlist; 7 //头条 & 新闻 8 List<BriefNewsInfo> newsTui1 = IndexModel.NewsTui1; 9 List<BriefNewsInfo> NewsTui2 = IndexModel.NewsTui2; 10 List<BriefNewsInfo> NewsTui3 = IndexModel.NewsTui3; 11 List<BriefNewsInfo> NewsTui4 = IndexModel.NewsTui4; 12 List<BriefNewsInfo> NewsTui5 = IndexModel.NewsTui5; 13 //自媒体 14 List<BriefNewsInfo> GexiInfo = IndexModel.GexiInfo; 15 List<BriefNewsInfo> GexiInfo1 = IndexModel.GexiInfoList; 16 //新闻 17 List<BriefNewsInfo> NewsInfo1 = IndexModel.NewsInfo1; 18 List<BriefNewsInfo> NewsInfo2 = IndexModel.NewsInfo2; 19 List<BriefNewsInfo> NewsInfo3 = IndexModel.NewsInfo3; 20 List<BriefNewsInfo> NewsInfo4 = IndexModel.NewsInfo4; 21 //科技 22 List<BriefNewsInfo> TechInfo = IndexModel.TechInfo; 23 List<BriefNewsInfo> TechInfo1 = IndexModel.TechInfo1; 24 //财经 25 List<BriefNewsInfo> FinanceInfo = IndexModel.FinanceInfo; 26 List<BriefNewsInfo> FinanceInfo1 = IndexModel.FinanceInfo1; 27 //教育 28 List<BriefNewsInfo> EducationInfo = IndexModel.EducationInfo; 29 List<BriefNewsInfo> EducationInfo1 = IndexModel.EducationInfo1; 30 //历史 31 List<BriefNewsInfo> HistoryInfo = IndexModel.HistoryInfo; 32 List<BriefNewsInfo> HistoryInfo1 = IndexModel.HistoryInfo1; 33 //汽车 34 List<BriefNewsInfo> CarInfo = IndexModel.CarInfo; 35 List<BriefNewsInfo> CarInfo1 = IndexModel.CarInfo1; 36 //房产 37 List<BriefNewsInfo> HouseInfo = IndexModel.HouseInfo; 38 List<BriefNewsInfo> HouseInfo1 = IndexModel.HouseInfo1; 39 //娱乐 时尚 心里鸡汤 40 List<BriefNewsInfo> EntertainmentInfo = IndexModel.EntertainmentInfo; 41 List<BriefNewsInfo> FashionInfo = IndexModel.FashionInfo; 42 List<BriefNewsInfo> SoulInfo = IndexModel.SoulInfo; 43 //合作 &友链 44 List<GexiModels.CooperationInfo> CooperationInfo2 = IndexModel.CooperationInfo2; 45 } 46 <!DOCTYPE html> 47 <html> 48 <head> 49 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> 50 <title>革西网络,倾心打造一个属于我们自己的门户网站_革西网络工作室</title> 51 <meta name="KeyWords" content="革西,革西网,革西网络,革西新闻,革西财经,革西科技,革西历史,革西教育,革西旅游,革西时尚,革西娱乐,革西房产,革西汽车,自媒体" /> 52 <meta name="Description" content="革西网,一个集新闻、财经、科技、教育、历史、时尚、娱乐、旅游、房产、汽车为一体的资讯网站。革西网络,专业的团队为大家打造一个属于我们自己的门户网站。革西网络让我们一起成长,北京革西科技网络工作室。" /> 53 <link href="/Content/CSS/CSS.css" rel="stylesheet" /> 54 <script type="text/javascript"> (function (win, doc) { var s = doc.createElement("script"), h = doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; 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155 if (bannerlist != null) 156 { 157 foreach (var item in bannerlist) 158 { 159 if (item.UrlOrBanner != "1") 160 { 161 <li><a href="/banner/info/@item.Id" target="_blank"> 162 <span class="select_img">@num</span> 163 </a></li> 164 } 165 else 166 { 167 <li><a href="/sub/@item.BannerUrl" target="_blank"> 168 <span class="select_img">@num</span> 169 </a></li> 170 } 171 num++; 172 } 173 } 174 } 175 </ul> 176 </div> 177 </div> 178 </div> 179 <div class="divin02"> 180 <script type="text/javascript"> 181 var cPRo_id = "u2017709"; 182 (window["cproStyleApi"] = window["cproStyleApi"] || {})[cpro_id] = { at: "3", rsi0: "730", rsi1: "100", pat: "6", tn: "baiduCustNativeAD", rss1: "#FFFFFF", conBW: "0", adp: "1", ptt: "0", titFF: "%E5%BE%AE%E8%BD%AF%E9%9B%85%E9%BB%91", titFS: "14", rss2: "#363636", titSU: "0", ptbg: "90", piw: "0", pih: "0", ptp: "0" } 183 </script> 184 <script src="http://cpro.baidustatic.com/cpro/ui/c.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 185 </div> 186 <div class="divin03"> 187 <div class="divkejitop"> 188 <div class="divkejitopleft"><span style="float: left" title="革西网">革西传媒</span></div> 189 </div> 190 <div class="divin03left" style="width: 350px; 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458 } 459 } 460 </div> 461 <div class="divkejiinfo02"> 462 <ul> 463 @{ 464 var varnum9 = 1; 465 foreach (var item in FinanceInfo1) 466 { 467 <li> 468 <div class="agxspanleftlong">•</div> 469 <div class="agxspancenterlong"> 470 <a href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/finance/info/@item.Id" target="_blank" class="news_@(varnum9)" title="@item.Title">@StringHelp.CutStr(item.Title, 40)</a> 471 </div> 472 <div class="agxspanright">@StringHelp.GetTimeByTime(item.Time)</div> 473 </li> 474 varnum9++; 475 } 476 } 477 </ul> 478 </div> 479 </div> 480 </div> 481 </div> 482 <div class="inforight03" style="padding-top: 10px"> 483 <div class="righttabInfo2"> 484 <div class="rightinfotop2"> 485 <div class="divkejitopleft">房产</div> 486 </div> 487 <div class="righttabInfo2bom"> 488 @{ 489 foreach (var item in HouseInfo) 490 { 491 <div class="divShiPin"> 492 <div class="divShiPinin"> 493 <div style="height: 80px;"> 494 <a href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/house/info/@item.Id" target="_blank"> 495 <img src="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl + "/Content/Files/" + item.ImgInfo)" alt="@item.Title" /></a> 496 </div> 497 <div class="imgstabinbom"><a href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/house/info/@item.Id" target="_blank" title="@item.Title">@StringHelp.CutStr(item.Title, 22)</a></div> 498 </div> 499 </div> 500 } 501 } 502 @{ 503 foreach (var item in HouseInfo1) 504 { 505 <div class="righttabInfo2boma"> 506 <div class="agxspanleft">•</div> 507 <div class="agxspancenter"> 508 <a href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/house/info/@item.Id" target="_blank" title="@item.Title">@StringHelp.CutStr(item.Title, 38)</a> 509 </div> 510 <div class="agxspanright">@item.Author</div> 511 </div> 512 } 513 } 514 </div> 515 </div> 516 <div class="righttabInfo2"> 517 <div class="rightinfotop2"> 518 <div class="divkejitopleft">汽车</div> 519 </div> 520 <div class="righttabInfo2bom"> 521 @foreach (var item in CarInfo) 522 { 523 <div class="divShiPin"> 524 <div class="divShiPinin"> 525 <div style="height: 80px;"> 526 <a href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/car/info/@item.Id" target="_blank"> 527 <img src="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl + "/Content/Files/" + item.ImgInfo)" alt="@item.Title" /></a> 528 </div> 529 <div class="imgstabinbom"><a href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/car/info/@item.Id" target="_blank" title="@item.Title">@StringHelp.CutStr(item.Title, 22)</a></div> 530 </div> 531 </div> 532 } 533 @foreach (var item in CarInfo1) 534 { 535 <div class="righttabInfo2boma"> 536 <div class="agxspanleft">•</div> 537 <div class="agxspancenter"> 538 <a href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/car/info/@item.Id" target="_blank" title="@item.Title">@StringHelp.CutStr(item.Title, 38)</a> 539 </div> 540 <div class="agxspanright">@item.Author</div> 541 </div> 542 } 543 </div> 544 </div> 545 </div> 546 </div> 547 <div class="indexad"> 548 <div class="indexasleft" style="margin-right: 20px"> 549 <script type="text/javascript"> 550 var cpro_id = "u1996760"; 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578 foreach (var item in EducationInfo) 579 { 580 if (varnum11 == 1) 581 { 582 <div class="Kejiimgtop"> 583 <div class="kejilagimg"> 584 <a target="_blank" href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/edu/info/@item.Id"> 585 <img alt="@item.Title" src="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl + "/Content/Files/" + item.ImgInfo)" /></a> 586 </div> 587 <div class="divImgJS"><a target="_blank" href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/edu/info/@item.Id">@item.Title</a></div> 588 </div> } 589 else if (varnum11 == 2) 590 { 591 <div class="Kejiimgbom"> 592 <div class="kejismallimg"> 593 <a target="_blank" href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/edu/info/@item.Id"> 594 <img alt="@item.Title" src="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl + "/Content/Files/" + item.ImgInfo)" /></a> 595 </div> 596 <div class="divImgJS"><a target="_blank" href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/edu/info/@item.Id">@item.Title</a></div> 597 </div>} 598 else 599 { 600 <div class="Kejiimgbom" style="margin-right: 0px;"> 601 <div class="kejismallimg"> 602 <a target="_blank" href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/edu/info/@item.Id"> 603 <img alt="@item.Title" src="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl + "/Content/Files/" + item.ImgInfo)" /></a> 604 </div> 605 <div class="divImgJS"><a target="_blank" href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/edu/info/@item.Id">@item.Title</a></div> 606 </div> 607 } 608 varnum11++; 609 } 610 } 611 </div> 612 <div class="divkejiinfo02"> 613 <ul> 614 @{ 615 var varnum12 = 1; 616 foreach (var item in EducationInfo1) 617 { 618 <li> 619 <div class="agxspanleftlong">•</div> 620 <div class="agxspancenterlong"> 621 <a href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/edu/info/@item.Id" target="_blank" class="news_@(varnum12)" title="@item.Title">@StringHelp.CutStr(item.Title, 40)</a> 622 </div> 623 <div class="agxspanright">@StringHelp.GetTimeByTime(item.Time)</div> 624 </li> 625 varnum12++; 626 } 627 } 628 </ul> 629 </div> 630 </div> 631 </div> 632 <div class="divofkeji" style="margin-bottom: 15px;"> 633 <div class="divkejitop"> 634 <div class="divkejitopleft">历史风云</div> 635 <div class="divkejitopright"> 636 <span class="napinfotopleft"><a href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/history/Literature" target="_blank">文学</a></span> 637 <span class="napinfotopleft"><a href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/history/Datum" target="_blank">资料</a></span> 638 <span class="napinfotopleft"><a href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/history/Legend" target="_blank">传奇</a></span> 639 <span class="napinfotopleft"><a href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/history/Secret" target="_blank">揭秘</a></span> 640 <span class="napinfotopleft"><a href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/history/Book" target="_blank">史书</a></span> 641 </div> 642 </div> 643 <div class="divkejiinfo"> 644 <div class="divkejiinfo01"> 645 @{ 646 var varnum16 = 1; 647 foreach (var item in HistoryInfo) 648 { 649 if (varnum16 == 1) 650 { 651 <div class="Kejiimgtop"> 652 <div class="kejilagimg"> 653 <a target="_blank" href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/history/info/@item.Id"> 654 <img alt="@item.Title" src="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl + "/Content/Files/" + item.ImgInfo)" /></a> 655 </div> 656 <div class="divImgJS"><a target="_blank" href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/history/info/@item.Id">@item.Title</a></div> 657 </div> } 658 else if (varnum16 == 2) 659 { 660 <div class="Kejiimgbom"> 661 <div class="kejismallimg"> 662 <a target="_blank" href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/history/info/@item.Id"> 663 <img alt="@item.Title" src="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl + "/Content/Files/" + item.ImgInfo)" /></a> 664 </div> 665 <div class="divImgJS"><a target="_blank" href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/history/info/@item.Id">@item.Title</a></div> 666 </div>} 667 else 668 { 669 <div class="Kejiimgbom" style="margin-right: 0px;"> 670 <div class="kejismallimg"> 671 <a target="_blank" href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/history/info/@item.Id"> 672 <img alt="@item.Title" src="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl + "/Content/Files/" + item.ImgInfo)" /></a> 673 </div> 674 <div class="divImgJS"><a target="_blank" href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/history/info/@item.Id">@item.Title</a></div> 675 </div> 676 } 677 varnum16++; 678 } 679 } 680 </div> 681 <div class="divkejiinfo02"> 682 <ul> 683 @{ 684 var varnum14 = 1; 685 foreach (var item in HistoryInfo1) 686 { 687 <li> 688 <div class="agxspanleftlong">•</div> 689 <div class="agxspancenterlong"> 690 <a href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/history/info/@item.Id" target="_blank" class="news_@(varnum14)" title="@item.Title">@StringHelp.CutStr(item.Title, 40)</a> 691 </div> 692 <div class="agxspanright">@StringHelp.GetTimeByTime(item.Time)</div> 693 </li> 694 varnum14++; 695 } 696 } 697 </ul> 698 </div> 699 </div> 700 </div> 701 </div> 702 <div class="inforight03"> 703 <div class="righttabInfo3"> 704 <div class="rightinfotop">时尚</div> 705 <div class="righttabInfo2bom"> 706 @{ 707 foreach (var item in FashionInfo) 708 { 709 <div class="righttabInfo2boma"> 710 <div class="agxspanleft">•</div> 711 <div class="agxspancenter"> 712 <a target="_blank" href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/Fashion/info/@item.Id" title="@item.Title">@StringHelp.CutStr(item.Title, 38)</a> 713 </div> 714 <div class="agxspanright">@item.Author</div> 715 </div> 716 } 717 } 718 </div> 719 </div> 720 <div class="righttabInfo3"> 721 <div class="rightinfotop">娱乐</div> 722 <div class="righttabInfo2bom"> 723 @{ 724 foreach (var item in EntertainmentInfo) 725 { 726 <div class="righttabInfo2boma"> 727 <div class="agxspanleft">•</div> 728 <div class="agxspancenter"> 729 <a target="_blank" href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/Enter/info/@item.Id" title="@item.Title">@StringHelp.CutStr(item.Title, 38)</a> 730 </div> 731 <div class="agxspanright">@item.Author</div> 732 </div> 733 } 734 } 735 </div> 736 </div> 737 <div class="righttabInfo3"> 738 <div class="rightinfotop">文学</div> 739 <div class="righttabInfo2bom"> 740 @{ 741 foreach (var item in SoulInfo) 742 { 743 <div class="righttabInfo2boma"> 744 <div class="agxspanleft">•</div> 745 <div class="agxspancenter"> 746 <a target="_blank" href="@(WebInfoManager.GexinetUrl)/story/info/@item.Id" title="@item.Title">@StringHelp.CutStr(item.Title, 38)</a> 747 </div> 748 <div class="agxspanright">@item.Author</div> 749 750 </div> 751 } 752 } 753 </div> 754 </div> 755 </div> 756 </div> 757 <div class="divlink"> 758 <div class="divkejitop"> 759 <div class="divkejitopleft">友情连接 </div> 760 <div style="float: right;"> 761 <span class="napinfotopleft"><a target="_blank" href="/index/applyline">申请友链</a></span> 762 </div> 763 </div> 764 <div class="divlinkin"> 765 @{ 766 foreach (var item in CooperationInfo2) 767 { 768 <a target="_blank" href="@item.Url">@item.Name</a> 769 } 770 } 771 </div> 772 <div style="clear: both"></div> 773 </div> 774 @RenderPage("~/Views/Shared/_Bom.cshtml") 775 </body> 776 <script> 777 $(function () { 778 $('#TextBox1').focus(); 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