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1 PRivate Sub ConsoleProcessBar() 2 Dim isBreak As Boolean = False 3 Dim colorBack As ConsoleColor = Console.BackgroundColor 4 Dim colorFore As ConsoleColor = Console.ForegroundColor 5 '(0,0)(Left,Top) 第一行 6 Console.WriteLine("***********TE Mason*************") 7 Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan 8 For i = 0 To Console.WindowWidth - 3 9 '(0,1) 第二行 10 Console.Write(" ") 11 Next 12 '(0,1) 第二行 13 Console.WriteLine(" ") 14 Console.BackgroundColor = colorBack 15 '(0,2) 第三行 16 Console.WriteLine("0%") 17 '(0,3) 第四行 18 Console.WriteLine("<Press Enter To Break>") 19 20 For i = 0 To 100 21 If Console.KeyAvailable AndAlso Console.ReadKey(True).Key = ConsoleKey.Enter Then 22 isBreak = True 23 Exit For 24 End If 25 Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow 26 '/返回完整的商,包括余数,SetCursorPosition会自动四舍五入 27 Console.SetCursorPosition(i * (Console.WindowWidth - 2) / 100, 1) 28 'MsgBox(i * (Console.WindowWidth - 2) / 100) 29 'MsgBox(Console.CursorLeft) 30 'MsgBox(Console.CursorSize) 31 Console.Write(" ") 32 Console.BackgroundColor = colorBack 33 Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green 34 Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 2) 35 Console.Write("{0}%", i) 36 Console.ForegroundColor = colorFore 37 Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) 38 Next 39 40 Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 3) 41 Console.Write(IIf(isBreak, "Break!!!", "Finish")) 42 Console.WriteLine(" ") 43 Console.ReadKey() 44 Console.ReadKey(True) 45 End Sub