test.asp[code]<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
'读取sql server 7 pubs数据库中authors表并分页显示
'jjx by 2000/4/15
dim blnErrorif not isempty(request("page")) then
if not isnumeric(request("page")) then
response.write "参数错误!"
end ifend ifif not blnError then
dim objLoop
Set objLoop=Server.CreateObject("Performance.Loop")
Set objLoop=Nothingend if%>
</body></html>[/code]vb loop class file创建一个performance activex dll项目,引用microsoft active
server pages library和Microsoft ActiveX Databae Object。
填加一个class,命名为loop[code]Option Explicit
Dim MyScriptingContext As ScriptingContextDim MyRequest As RequestDim MyResponse As Response
Sub OnEndPage()
Set MyResponse = Nothing
Set MyRequest = Nothing
Set MyScriptingContext = Nothing
End Sub
Sub OnStartPage(PassedScriptingContext As ScriptingContext)
Set MyScriptingContext = PassedScriptingContext
Set MyRequest = MyScriptingContext.Request
Set MyResponse = MyScriptingContext.Response
End Sub
Function List()
Dim con As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim intPage As Integer
Dim intPageSize As Integer
Dim intPageCount As Integer
Dim strScriptName As String
Dim intPos As Integer
Dim intFieldCount As Integer
strScriptName = MyRequest.ServerVariables("Script_Name")
intPos = InStrRev(strScriptName, "/")
If intPos <> 0 Then
strScriptName = Mid(strScriptName, intPos + 1)
End If
If IsEmpty(MyRequest("page")) Then
intPage = 1
intPage = CInt(MyRequest("page"))
End If
intPageSize = 10
con.Open "PRovider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=pubs;Data Source=
rs.Open "select * from authors", con, adOpenStatic
intFieldCount = rs.Fields.Count
With MyResponse
.Write "<table border=1>"
If Not (rs.EOF And rs.BOF) Then
rs.PageSize = 10
rs.AbsolutePage = intPage
intPageCount = rs.PageCount
If intPage > intPageCount Then
intPage = intPageCount
End If
If intPageCount > 1 Then
.Write "<tr><td colspan=" & intFieldCount & ">"
For i = 1 To intPageCount
If intPage = i Then
.Write "[" & i & "] "
.Write "<a href=" & strScriptName & "?page=" & i & ">[" & i & "]</a> "
End If
.Write "</td></tr>"
End If
End If
.Write "<tr>"
For i = 0 To intFieldCount - 1
.Write "<th>" & rs(i).Name & "</th>"
.Write "</tr>"
For i = 1 To intPageSize
If rs.EOF Then
Exit For
End If
.Write "<tr>"
For j = 0 To intFieldCount - 1
.Write "<td>" & rs(j).Value & "</td>"
.Write "</tr>"
.Write "</table>"
End With
Set rs = Nothing
Set con = Nothing
End Function