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作者:佚名      ASP网站建设编辑:admin      更新时间:2022-07-23
<!--#include file="../lib/filelib.asp"-->
    Response.write "<title>上传文件至当前文件夹</title>"
    Response.Write "<body bgcolor=""#D6D3CE"" leftmargin=""0"" topmargin=""0"" title = ""    请您遵守国家相关法律法规上传文件。上传前请杀毒,否则系统将会自动删除此文件!"">"

'**Start Encode**
If Action="UL" Then
        DoUpload Request.Cookies("DAZHOU.NET")("nowpath") & "\"
'        Response.redirect "fileman.asp"
End If

Set fso=Nothing
SUB ShowUploadForm
    Response.write "<Dir><form enctype=multipart/form-data name=fmupload method=Post action=Upload.asp?A=UL><br>"
    If Request("n")<>"" AND IsNumeric(Request("n")) Then session("NumUploadFields")=CInt(Request("n"))
    For i=1 to 5
        Response.Write "<INPUT type=file name=file"& i & " size=35><br>"
    Response.Write "<br><center><INPUT type=submit value=""开始上传"">  <INPUT type='button' value= '取消上传' onclick='window.close()'> "
    Response.Write "</form>"

SUB DoUpload(Dir)
    'If NOT application("Debugging") Then On Error resume next
    Set UploadRequest=CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    BuildUploadRequest RequestBin, UploadRequest
    For i=0 to UploadRequest.Count - 1

        If fso.FileExists(Dir & fName) Then fso.deletefile Dir & fName
        If fName<>"" AND NOT fso.FileExists(Dir & fName) Then
            TotalULSize=TotalULSize + valueLen
            Set strm1=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
            Set strm2=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
            strm1.Type=1 'Binary
            strm2.Type=1 'Binary
            strm1.Write RequestBin
            strm1.CopyTo strm2,ValueLen
            strm2.SaveToFile Dir & fName,2
            Set strm1=Nothing
            Set strm2=Nothing
        End If
    If Now>StartTime Then Response.Write("<br><br><br><br><center>上传成功!<br>速度: " & Round(TotalULSize/1024/DateDiff("s",StartTime,Now)) &" 千字节/秒" )
    Set UploadRequest=Nothing

Sub BuildUploadRequest(RequestBin, UploadRequest)
    'Get the boundary
    'Get all data inside the boundaries
    Do until (boundaryPos=InstrB(RequestBin,boundary & getByteString("--")))
        'Members variable of objects are put in a dictionary object
        Dim UploadControl
        Set UploadControl=CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        'Get an object name
        'Test if object is of file type
        If PosFile<>0 AND (PosFile<PosBound) Then
            'Get Filename, content-type and content of file
            PosBeg=PosFile + 10
            'Add filename to dictionary object
            UploadControl.Add "FileName", FileName
            'Add content-type to dictionary object
            UploadControl.Add "ContentType",ContentType
            'Get content of object
            'Get content of object
        End If
        UploadControl.Add "Value" , Value
        UploadControl.Add "ValueBeg" , ValueBeg
        UploadControl.Add "ValueLen" , ValueLen
        UploadRequest.Add name, UploadControl
End Sub

Function getByteString(StringStr)
    For i=1 to Len(StringStr)
        getByteString=getByteString & chrB(AscB(char))
End Function

Function getString(StringBin)
    getString =""
    For intCount=1 to LenB(StringBin)
        getString=getString & chr(AscB(MidB(StringBin,intCount,1)))
End Function