ApiGen是自动生成php项目的阅读文档工具。 用于从PHP源代码创建专业的API文档,类似于phpDocumentor/phpDoc。
ApiGen4.1需要PHP 5.4+的版本支持
官方推荐有默认和Twitter Bootstrap两套风格样式。
> @(PHP.exe执行文件地址) "%~dp0apigen.phar" %*
@D:\xampp\php\php.exe "%~dp0apigen.phar" %*
windows7 对应目录为 C:\Windows\System32
c:\>apigen ApiGen version 4.1.0 Usage: command [options] [arguments] Options: --help (-h) Display this help message. --quiet (-q) Do not output any message. --version (-V) Display this application version. Available commands: generate Generate API documentation help Displays help for a command list Lists commands self-update Updates apigen.phar to the latest available version selfupdate Updates apigen.phar to the latest available version
apigen generate --source "php项目地址" --destination "文档导出地址"
apigen generate --source "D:\web\ruionline" --destination "D:\web\ruionline\doc"
--source <path>需要编译成文档的 PRoject 目录, --source <path> 同时可以指定多个 --destination <path> 编译后存放的目录路径 --title <Name> 文档首页的标题 --exclude <path> 排除的目录(如 'views/*' 表示视图目录下的不生成文档) Options: --source (-s) Dirs or files documentation is generated for. (multiple va lues allowed) --destination (-d) Target dir for documentation. --access-levels Access levels of included method and properties. (default: ["public","protected"]) (multiple values allowed) --annotation-groups Generate page with elements with specific annotation. --base-url Base url used for sitemap (useful for public doc). --config Custom path to apigen.neon config file. (default: "E:\\ide /apigen.neon") --google-cse-id Custom google search engine id (for search box). --google-analytics Google Analytics tracking code. --debug Turn on debug mode. --deprecated Generate documentation for elements marked as @deprecated --download Add link to ZIP archive of documentation. --extensions Scanned file extensions. (default: ["php"]) (multiple valu es allowed) --exclude Directories and files matching this mask will not be parse d (e.g. */tests/*). (multiple values allowed) --groups The way elements are grouped in menu. (default: "auto") --charset Charset of scanned files. (multiple values allowed) --main Elements with this name prefix will be first in tree. --internal Include elements marked as @internal. --php Generate documentation for PHP internal classes. --skip-doc-path Files matching this mask will be included in class tree, b ut will not create a link to their documentation. (multiple values allowed) --no-source-code Do not generate highlighted source code for elements. --template-theme ApiGen template theme name. (default: "default") --template-config Your own template config, has higher priority templateThem e. --title Title of generated documentation. --todo Generate documentation for elements marked as @todo. --tree Generate tree view of classes, interfaces, traits and exce ptions. --help (-h) Display this help message. --quiet (-q) Do not output any message. --version (-V) Display this application version.
@deprecated package subpackage copyright license author version since see uses internal todo Standard
return throws {@inheritdoc} Magic methods and properties
property-read property-write method