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问题来源:\ThinkPHP3.1.3_full\ThinkPHP\Lib\Core\App.class.php 中 init()方法 if(C('OUTPUT_ENCODE')){ $zlib = ini_get('zlib.output_compression'); if(empty($zlib)) ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); }zlib.output_compression 和 ob_gzhandler 是压缩页面内网的方法,不能同时使用ob_gzhandler() 和 zlib.output_compression。 也要注意使用 zlib.output_compression 要优于 ob_gzhandler()。使用ob_gzhandler函数有3种方法让它对php进行压缩:1、在php.ini中设置output_handler = ob_gzhandler2、在.htaccess中加入php_value output_handler ob_gzhandler3、在php文件头加上ob_start('ob_gzhandler');zlib.output_compression方法:打开php目录下的php.ini文件,找到zlib.output_compression = Off,改成zlib.output_compression = On,再把;zlib.output_compression_level前面的;去掉,后面的-1改成1~5的数值,这样便可以实现所有php页面的gzip效果。需要说明的是以下几点:一、;zlib.output_handler必须保持注释掉,因为此参数和前面的设置冲突——官方的说法。二、一般情况下缓存是4k(output_buffering = 4096)。三、zlib.output_compression_level 建议参数值是1~5,6以实际压缩效果提升不大,cpu占用却是几何增长。example01: ob_gzhandler方法IE低版本的处理:
<?php/*The Accept-Encoding header can't be trusted in IE5 and unpatched IE6;there are gzip-related bugs in this browsers.The docs don't mention if ob_gzhandler knows about these,so you might want to use the function below:*/ function isBuggyIe() { $ua = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; // quick escape for non-IEs if (0 !== strpos($ua, 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE ') || false !== strpos($ua, 'Opera')) { return false; } // no regex = faaast $version = (float)substr($ua, 30); return ( $version < 6 || ($version == 6 && false === strpos($ua, 'SV1')) ); } // usage: isBuggyIe() || ob_start("ob_gzhandler");
example02: CSS/jss文件的处理
<?php/*It is also possible to use ob_gzhandler to compress css and javascript files,however some browsers such as Firefox expect content type text/css on css files. To get around this send a content type header:*/ ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); ?> .... your css content ... <?php header("Content-Type: text/css"); //或header("Content-Type: text/Javascript"); header("Content-Length: ".ob_get_length()); ob_end_flush();