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wamp出现You don’t have permission to access/on this server提示(转)

作者:佚名      php网站开发编辑:admin      更新时间:2022-07-23
wamp出现You don’t have permission to access/on this server提示(转)

转自http://blog.csdn.net/hong0220/article/details/40262729 ,转载方便以后查看。

  今天搭建wamp集成环境,本来已经搭建好了,但是在访问localhost时出现了You don’t have permission to access/on this server的提示,自己没有解决,在查看了http://blog.csdn.net/hong0220/article/details/40262729 之后修改成功。方法如下:


  • 找到httpd.conf,用记事本打开httpd.conf,然后将
  1. <Directory/>
  2. OptionsFollowSymLinks
  3. AllowOverrideNone
  4. Orderdeny,allow
  5. Denyfromall
  6. </Directory>


  1. <Directory/>
  2. OptionsFollowSymLinks
  3. AllowOverrideNone
  4. Orderdeny,allow
  5. Allowfromall
  6. </Directory>


  1. #onlineofflinetag-don'tremove
  2. OrderDeny,Allow
  3. Deny fromall
  4. Allowfrom127.0.0.1
  5. </Directory>

将Deny fromall改为:Allowfromall ,然后重新启动所有服务。

现在打开localhost或127.0.0.1时发现可以访问了,但访问phpmyadmin时候,出现“You don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin/ on this server.”的提示。

  • 解决方法,打开如下文件:

C:\wamp\alias\phpmyadmin.conf    //这个就是你的wamp的安装目录下的内容,用记事本打开


  1. <Directory"c:/wamp/apps/phpmyadmin3.5.1/">
  2. OptionsIndexesFollowSymLinksMultiViews
  3. AllowOverrideall
  4. OrderDeny,Allow
  5. Allowfromall
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